Alocasia x Sedenii
35,00€ VAT included
It prefers bright environments, but does not like direct sun, especially in summer.
Irrigate abundantly when the substrate is almost completely dry.
It requires a temperature above 15°C. Love the humidity, the ideal is around 50% or higher.
SHIPPING TIMES: Your order will be taken directly in charge and after a quick confirmation of the data, it will leave and reach you as soon as possible 48-72 working hours.
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È un raro ibrido tra Alocasia Cuprea e Alocasia Longoloba “Lowii”, per cui il clima ideale risulta essere caldo e umido. Le foglie sono lucide, di un verde intenso e molto scuro, e presentano venature a contrasto e in rilievo. La pagina inferiore risulta essere di un rosso profondo.
Vaso: 15 cm
Height: 50 cm